Joe Chappius currently resides in the heart of Buffalo, although his roots extend well beyond the City’s limits, in the small town of Albion, NY — The type of place in which tractors are common and tailored suits are rare. It was in Albion where his honest, hardworking, family values were instilled.
Enrolling at Rochester Institute of Technology for computer networking, and then transferring to The College at Brockport for education, finance wasn’t ever considered. That quickly changed when Joe was given a unique opportunity to take part in a finance internship. While completing his Bachelors’s Degree, Joe was awarded Intern of the Year, further fueling his passion for the profession, and earning him a full-time position following graduation.
An Under Par life for Joe is choosing to live a life of happiness and sharing that passion with others around him. He values developing deep, meaningful relationships with family, friends, and clients. His zeal for life is made evident by his leisurely activities which include getting overly excited when he breaks 100 on the golf course, being potentially too competitive in any game, or burying his nose in a good book.
“Actions speak so loudly I cannot hear what you are saying.” This is one of Joe’s favorite quotes and provides insight to his distaste for self-promotion. Although he is rarely too humble to mention his ability to ride a unicycle.